Thursday, May 7, 2009

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription is job of listening to dedicated recording by physical or health care professional and transcribe them to medial report, correspondence & other administrative material. For this job there is needed of computer with high speed internet connection. On this equipment used are computer head ofr listening the recording & foot pedal to pause the recording when necessary. The main qualification for this job to have knowledge of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, and treatment assessments. They also must be able to translate medical jargon and abbreviations into their expanded forms and good knowledge of English with grammatical & clarity. The responsibility of the worker is to keep the style of medical records and to the legal and ethical requirements for keeping patient information confidential.

The training for this work can be taken from many vocational school & community colleges and distance learning programs. The course is of a 2-year associate degree or 1-year certificate program.

1 comment:

  1. म एडम्स KEVIN, Aiico बीमा plc को एक प्रतिनिधि, हामी भरोसा र एक ऋण बाहिर दिन मा व्यक्तिगत मतभेद आदर। हामी ऋण चासो दर को 2% प्रदान गर्नेछ। तपाईं यस व्यवसाय मा चासो हो भने अब आफ्नो ऋण कागजातहरू ठीक जारी हस्तांतरण ई-मेल ( गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क। पनि इमेल गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तपाईं aiico बीमा गर्न धेरै स्वागत छ भने व्यापार वा स्कूल स्थापित गर्न एक ऋण आवश्यकता हो ( हामी सन्तुलन स्थानान्तरण अनुरोध गर्न सक्छौं पहिलो हप्ता।

    व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न
